ANOTHER FRIDAY NIGHT© ( poem ) by Lisa A Stafford on AuthorsDen
the Blind Poet blew sideways, his cape spilling Stumbling orphaned heart, awake at that first funeral--who was she? Sixteen,
Others — A Poem | The Blind Beggar
excuse me but lady liberty needs glasses / and so does mrs justice by her side / both the broads r blind as bats / stumbling thru the system
Liberty Needs Glasses by Tupac Shakur at Old Poetry
Never wrote a poem in my life. I spent my time doing more healthy things like watching TV stumbling blind , it could be what i need to fall at your feet
THE FATAL BLOW - Poem by Paulette Stewart
All went lame, all blind ; Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots. Of gas- shells dropping softly But someone still was yelling out and stumbling
Poets' Corner - T. S. Eliot - The Waste Land
23 Jul 2010 These poems are the best lures I've picked up in a long time. .... they shuffled along the fenceline, stumbling blind ,
An Octave Above Thunder
The white-haired thistle seed stumbling past through the branches. Like a paper lantern carried by a blind man." (W.S. Merwin, "Sire." The Second Four Books of Poems . Copper Canyon Press, 1993); "She dealt with moral problems as a
Lorna Crozier - Sugar Mule Literary Magazine, ed. ML Weber - ezine
When I was seven years old and my doctor told me that I was going blind in that single moment of awareness, and though I did not write a poem that day
Confessional Poem #1: Saturn in Leo | Facebook
30 Nov 2003 THE SUNDAY POEM ANTHONY CRONIN'S PERSONAL ANTHOLOGY The going out to watch stars, stumbling blind through the difficult door.
Online NewsHour: Favorite Poem Project- July 13, 2000
20 Jan 2011 IM FALLING, STUMBLING , TRIPPING OVER THE TRUTH Click here to write your comments about this poem ( Blind by Arienne' Smith )
9 Aug 2010 Confessional Poem #1: Saturn in Leo. by Deidre: CreativeSoul on Monday, With my neighbors stumbling blind . All us bout to lose our minds
Stumbling towards a definition of poetry (and failing) - Thinking
All went lame; all blind ; Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots .... old sap: machine-guns on the left;: And stumbling figures looming out in front.
WILFRED OWEN - DULCE ET DECORUM EST, Text of poem and notes
One summer afternoon, I learned my body / like a blind child leaving a walled / school for the first time, stumbling / from cool hallways to a world
Awesome poetry
17 posts - 3 authors - Last post: 2 days agoAll went lame; all blind ; Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots But someone still was yelling out and stumbling
Brooke & Owen
13 Jul 2000 But the way things were in my family, my father was blind during World War II, and this poem really brought home to me the tragedies that
Poetry from World War I
20 Feb 2010 Lord help me live from day to day / In such a self-forgetful way / That even when I kneel to pray / My prayer shall be for – Others.
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